Completed your Director ID yet?

If you are the director of one or more companies, or about to become one, the window for you to secure the required Director ID is closing very fast! In fact, it must be done by Wednesday, 30 November 2022 - yes, this week!

Having just had all the directors for our business complete this process, we absolutely appreciate how frustrating such a thing can be, particularly at this time when most thought is about completing the year strongly and preparing for Christmas. However, it must be done and it can in fact be done quite quickly, provided you are prepared.

As an example, one of our directors was struggling to complete it online due to difficulties with myGovID. Nevertheless, knowing that it could be achieved over the phone, this option was chosen and preparations made. With passport and birth certificate in hand, a phone call was made to the Australian Taxation Office and a call-back requested. That call-back came within 20 minutes. The process to review various forms of identification - passport, Medicare card, private health insurance and the like - took approximately 15 minutes. The Director ID number was then provided over the phone, but is also now present within that individual’s myGov account.

So, we urge you not to be like the thousands of other directors who have either forgotten or are simply procrastinating in relation to completing this required task. Get your documents together, make the telephone call - the number is 13 62 50 - and get the job done.

Have a query in relation to the operation of your business? Please call Peter Walker or Samantha Hansen on (08) 8941 6355 or email or


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